A Reasonable Service

January 27

Text: Romans 1:1-17

“It takes 1000 Christians 365 days to win one soul to Christ.”

While reading recently, the statement above stopped me in my tracks. I was literally stunned and sickened as I considered the ramifications of that statement to God’s church and to me personally. We have a directive from God to go into all the world and make disciples. The first step in disciple-making is sharing the gospel. We know the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, and yet it takes one thousand of us one year to see one soul saved?! Oh, Lord, what has happened to us?

The situation was compounded by another book I was reading. This book was a journal of the first year of ministry for a missionary couple in Muslim North Africa. The obstacles they faced would have overwhelmed most of us, and yet they were there, in country, surrounded by Muslims, faithfully sharing the good news of God's salvation in Jesus. And God was saving souls. The narrative was rife with instances of God’s working among these people, clear and compelling evidence that Paul’s assurance in Romans 1:16, that the gospel was “the power of God unto salvation”, was still true.

If they can be used of God to spread the gospel in North Africa where it is hard, surely I can be used where it is easy? I came away with a new determination to seek opportunities to be a conduit for the Lord, taking advantage of every opportunity to share Christ. It is, as the Bible says, our reasonable service.

Just a servant,

Bro. Tom

Truth is Eternal

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