Created Anew

February 26

Read: 1 Corinthians 5

If one considers the history of man’s relationship with his Creator, it’s easy to recognize a handful of events that are absolutely crucial both to the race as a whole and to every individual. The book of Genesis records a number of these beginning with creation and proceeding through God’s adoption of Abram. But even among this amazing sequence, there is one event that stands above them all in terms of significance. That event is the one we know as “the fall”.

Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the universe as God created it was drastically and dramatically altered. All of creation was cast under the curse of sin. Sickness and death entered in, and mankind began a conflict, internal as well as external, that continues to this day. Man’s link to his Creator was broken, and mankind entered into a life of rebellion and disobedience. His spirit was fatally wounded and he fell, surrendering himself to the control of the world, the flesh and the devil. Man, and mankind, died.

For thousands of years, sin and death ruled over God’s creation and creatures. There were promises of redemption to come, but no solution, not even a partial, for many years. Then, on a hill outside Jerusalem, the second pivotal event in history occurred. On a Roman cross, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, shed His blood for the sins of mankind. That sacrifice, its efficacy confirmed by His resurrection, driven by the love and grace of Creator God, bought us another chance.

Thus came to mankind the very best of news. Jesus, having died on the cross, shed His blood as payment for our sins, raised from the dead and received by faith, can make us whole again. That which was broken in the garden can be recreated by the Father thanks to the work of His Son Jesus.

1 Corinthians 5:17 tells us if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. He is freed from the penalty and bondage of sin. He is finally able to live a life in unison with His Creator. Old things are passed away. All is become new. What was hopelessly dead and beyond the capability of man to repair, God has made wonderfully fresh and alive. Truly, through faith in Christ, man is born again.

Brothers and sisters, that’s the good news. Today, let’s be thankful for our redemption. But let’s not stop there. Someone we will encounter also needs to hear of Christ and His work on the cross. Let’s go and tell them.

Just a servant,

Bro. Tom

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