One For All

February 13

Read: Numbers 9:1-14

During the second year of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Kadesh-Barnea, God instructed Moses and the children of Israel to keep the Passover. Moses, having passed on the instructions to the people, was questioned by some men who were ceremonially unclean from contact with a dead body (probably Levites, Leviticus 21:11). Could they take the Passover?

Moses took the question to God, and was told that even those who were unclean or traveling should partake of the Passover just as everyone else. He went on to add a rule concerning even those who were non-Israelites. If there were strangers among them, and they desired to keep the Passover, they were to be allowed to do so. The end of Numbers 9:14 says: “ shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land.”

These instructions are consistent with the typology of the Passover. God passed over the first-born of Israel because of the lamb’s blood applied to the door posts. The blood of the lamb is typical of the blood of Christ, the designated Lamb of God. And Christ is promised to be the Savior of not only the Jews, but the world. He is the Savior of those who are lost in sin, of those who are not ceremonially unclean but utterly unclean. And the inclusion of the stranger is our assurance that the true Passover Lamb was slain for every man.

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.

Just a servant,


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