Savior of All

March 12

Read: 1 Timothy 2

There seems to be a comeback recently of reformed or covenant theology. You may recall the patron saint of such theology, John Calvin, or the oft used acronym TULIP. The third point of the TULIP is the concept of a limited atonement. Limited atonement, briefly stated, declares that Christ died only for the elect. The sacrificial death and atoning blood were given only for those chosen of God and foreordained to salvation (unconditional election).

Funny how often we careen from one ditch to another. Denying that men have a choice in salvation really doesn’t abrogate the sovereignty of God. But if we stand convinced only the elect are saved, and they have no choice in the matter, then the idea of a limited atonement is almost a logical necessity.

But...the Scripture really doesn’t support either. At the risk of opening up a thousand year-old argument (which neither side can win), one must simply read 1 Timothy 2 to see the difference. In verse 4, speaking of God, it says that He “will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” This is consistent with John 3:16, which says clearly that God loved the world”. That’s everybody, as near as I can tell. Then, in 1 Timothy 2:6 the Scriptures say that Jesus, “gave himself a ransom for all...” Again this is consistent with John 3:16, which says “whosoever believeth on him.” Whosoever does not sound limiting at all, granting to us the option of either believing or not believing.

Dearly beloved, Jesus died for every man (Hebrews 2:9). And He is the only mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5), the exclusive path to God (John 14:6). And in order to come to God, one must hear of Jesus (Romans 10:13-15). And in order to hear, someone must tell. And that someone is us.

Give someone the gift of eternity today. Share Jesus.

Just a servant,

Bro. Tom

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