Church Growth

February 7

Read: Acts 2:32-47

In Acts 2:32-47, the Lord has chosen to give us a glimpse of the very first church. On the Day of Pentecost, the Spirit descended upon them in mass. Peter preached, and about 3000 people got saved, were baptized and added to the church. Talk about church growth! From 120 disciples praying together in the upper room (Acts 1:15) to a local assembly of more than 3000 members in one day! Don’t you know that was an exciting time to be in Jerusalem?

Besides the phenomenal growth, the other thing that should interest us is the activity of the First Baptized Assembly at Jerusalem. In verse 42, the Bible says: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine (teaching) and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.” This church majored on doctrine, fellowship, and prayer. In verse 43 we see a spirit of reverence and of power. In verses 44 and 45, we see how they proved their love one to another. Verse 46 testifies to their unity and their thankfulness (notice they met together every day). Finally, verse 47 says they had an attitude of praise.

To borrow a phrase from the sports announcers, let’s do a quick recap of that. The First Baptized Assembly at Jerusalem was notable for their doctrine, fellowship, prayer, reverence, power, love, unity, thankfulness and worship. Is it any wonder that “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved?”

Just a servant,

Bro. Tom

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