Wow and Double Wow!

February 5

Read: John 17:1-26

It is always instructive to read the prayers of Jesus. The when, what and how of Jesus’ personal communications with the Father provide wonderful insights into the purpose and mechanics of prayer. Jesus’ prayer in John 17, though, should be special to every believer, as it is the one identifiable point in Scripture where Jesus prayed for each of us personally.

In John 17:20, Jesus says, “Neither pray I for these (the disciples) alone, but for them which shall believe on me through their word:” When Jesus said, “them which shall believe on me through their word” He meant me and you! We are each and every one of us begotten of the Word of God passed through the disciples. They told someone, who told someone, who told someone, who, two thousand years and only God knows how many generations later, told me. When Jesus prayed that prayer, He prayed for me! So, realizing that this is the Son of God doing the praying, and that it’s highly unlikely that His prayer will not be answered, what did He ask for?

First, He prayed that we might be one with Him and the Father. He prayed that we might enjoy the same relationship that He enjoyed with His Father. Imagine having the same understanding and empathy with God the Father that Jesus had. And Jesus prayed for it!

Second, He prayed that we would ultimately be with Him, and that we might see His glory. Jesus asked the Father that we be permitted to be with Him where He was, and that we might behold Him in the glory He had before the universe was created.

Now, seriously, do you think those prayers are not going to be answered? What an incredible eternity we have in front of us. We will one day be with Him, beholding His glory, and sharing the same relationship with the heavenly Father that Jesus himself has. Wow and double wow! Or as Paul says, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Just a servant,

Bro. Tom

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